Issue Position: Fiscal Responsibility

Issue Position

Watching what is going on in Washington right now is a nightmare for those of us who are fiscally responsible. I have a long history of leading the fight against tax increases, working to lower spending, and forcing government to live within its means.

I am proud to have the endorsement of the Club for Growth, and have been named Top Friend of the Taxpayer by the Kansas Taxpayers Network, a Taxpayer Champion by Americans For Prosperity-Kansas; and a national Hero of the Taxpayer by Americans for Tax Reform.

I support our free-market economic system and do not believe that throwing money at problems and then sweeping them under the rug get anything solved. It will be my goal to continue to be the best possible steward of your tax dollars and get government out of the way so that entrepreneurs can create private sector jobs.

As your Congressman, I will continue to stand for fiscal restraint and will stand in direct opposition to the bailouts, the government takeovers of the private sector, and the trillions in debt that the current liberal Congress is saddling upon us, our children, and grandchildren.
